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California Sun Dried Fruit: Flavorful, Versatile, Shelf-Stable

California Sun Dried Fruit: Flavorful, Versatile, Shelf-Stable
During unsettling times, it is empowering to keep a positive attitude and remember that everyone is “response-able” to prepare for unanticipated events. According to the national public service campaign, everyone should prepare to have on hand a “two-week supply of water and food.”

For many, this may be difficult to imagine but, less than a century ago, well-stocked food pantries were the norm, simply because weekly trips to the market were impractical. Today, this habit may be worth putting back into practice, so we are always prepared and able to create healthy snacks and meals, including during times of challenge.

Did you know?
California Sun Dried Fruit: Flavorful, Versatile, Shelf-Stable
Also, according to an article in the Harvard Health Newsletter, “Dried fruits, per ounce, contain more fiber and more antioxidants called phenols than fresh fruit. People with diets rich in plant phenols have lower rates of heart disease, diabetes, several kinds of cancer, and possibly degenerative brain diseases.” So, make sure to include lots of fruits and vegetables as part of your healthy diet plan. Our California sun-dried fruits are flavorful, versatile, and shelf-stable, which makes them a delicious choice as on-the-go snacks, tasty appetizers, or added to your favorite bakery, confectionery, or cooking recipes. California sun dried fruits make it easy to add fruit to your daily life.  
  2. ref. Anthony Komaroff, M.D. Editor in Chief, Harvard Health Letter.