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Delicious No-Bake Greek Yogurt Bark Topped With fruitons® Summer Dried Fruit Blend.

Delicious No-Bake Greek Yogurt Bark Topped With fruitons® Summer Dried Fruit Blend.
Schools Out For Summer! It’s the perfect season to introduce kids of all ages to new activities. Being involved in helping to prepare a meal teaches kids lifelong lessons, builds memories, and provides an opportunity to talk and learn about the natural nutrients found in whole food.  Traina® Home Grown award-winning fruitons® Dried Fruit Blends, Whole Sun Dried, and Dried Fruits are delicious, colorful, and an easy way to introduce fruit fiber and natural nutrient-rich fruit to your diet. With this easy recipe, kids can practice – following directions, measuring, stirring, pouring, and a bit of science and patience as they wait and see how ‘creamy’ turns into a semi-hard frozen treat.
10 mins
10 mins
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  1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.
  2. In a medium bowl combine yogurt and honey stirring until thoroughly combine.
  3. Pour yogurt mixture onto the parchement lined pan, then using a spatula, spread the yogurt into an even layer. It should be approximately ¼ inch thick.
  4. Sprinkle fruitons® Summer Dried Fruit Blend, almonds, shredded coconut and dark chocolate chips onto yogurt and press ingredients lightly until they are slightly embedded.
  5. Freeze 3-4 hours or overnight.
  6. Break into large pieces.



Store yogurt bark in an airtight container in freezer. by Farm Girl Chef,