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Serving up Nearly a Century of Authenticity

Serving up Nearly a Century of Authenticity

Recently, there has been a lot of speculation about authenticity in the world of social media (and beyond), particularly when it comes to celebrity influencers. A recent article on reports that consumers are changing the way they want to interact with brands. 

In fact, the article reports that, “customers are actively engaging with each other (and brands), looking for authentic and meaningful engagement.” Smart consumers want the real deal! And the Traina® Home Grown brand has proudly been serving up authenticity in its products since 1926. The company aims to be a genuine, authentic and tradition oriented brand. Growing fruit at their home ranch in Patterson, California for 94 years (and counting!), four generations of the Traina family have continued to been transparent about their local sun dried and dried fruit products.

However, being authentic and mindful of honoring decades of tradition doesn’t mean that Traina Home Grown is old-fashioned in every way. In fact, it takes some pretty impressive technology to offer the sun dried fruit that is of the world’s highest quality. While the fruit is dried with the “slower is better” approach by the California sun, Traina embraces technological innovation to be a sustainable and organic farm that uses solar energy and has zero food waste. 

The company processes more than 50 million pounds of fruit every year by harnessing the power of the sun and Traina proudly processes more fruit with less energy than any other U.S. manufacturer. They also employ the sun’s energy at their reprocessing and packaging plant, where solar panels supply 100 percent of the facility’s energy needs. 

In another area of authentic sustainability, Traina Home Grown is always looking to increase its organic orchards and crops and to improve and implement water efficient systems to reduce irrigation runoff, and more. To ensure they are always offering consumers a genuine product, Traina has extensive quality assurance programs to help them not only continue their mission to be an authentic brand that consumers can trust, but also to produce the best tasting California sun dried fruits and products that are safe to eat. 

When looking for authenticity in both brand and product, Traina Home Grown assures its customers around the globe that providing both are of the company’s highest priorities. So sit back, grab a handful of fruitons® and taste the authenticity!