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The Porch Life
This is where it all comes together, where hard work and patience earn their reward. At Traina, we’ve always believed in the slower-is-better lifestyle. Maybe that’s because we work with Sun Dried Fruit, a product that can’t be hurried.But it also makes sense in the lives we lead.
We call it The Porch Life, inspired by the front porch of the original Traina Ranch seen in our logo. For the better part of a century, it’s remained a place where family and friends gather to share stories, food, and wisdom. Pull up a chair and join us.
Tuna Salad Wrap with Sun Dried Tomatoes
Traina® Foods – We are a family owned and operated business who grows and produces premium California Sun Dried & Dried…
Food Network – How Sun Dried Tomatoes are Made
Traina® Foods – We are a family owned and operated business who grows and produces premium California Sun Dried &…
California Bountiful: Fun in the Sun
Traina® Foods – We are a family owned and operated business who grows and produces premium California Sun Dried & Dried…
Zero Food Waste
Traina® Foods Zero Food Waste Program